アホになる修行 横尾忠則言葉集 [YB095]
販売価格: 1,430円(税込)
重さ: 270g
商品名:アホになる修行 横尾忠則言葉集
著者/横尾 忠則
発行/イースト・プレス (2018/7/7)
体裁/B6判変形 272ページ
Product ID: YB095
Product Name: Training to be an Idiot: A Collection of Tadanori Yokoo's Words
Author/Tadanori Yokoo
Publisher/East Press (2018/7/7)
Style/B6 size, deformed, 272 pages
Tadanori Yokoo affirms the whole light and shade of life.
It is not a religion; it is a teaching possible only in art.
Akira ASADA (Critic)
Free your soul.
To attain freedom, we must abandon our obsessions.
To gain freedom, we must let go of our obsessions, remember the spirit of play, not be bound by words, and listen to what our bodies, not our heads, tell us.
To be free, we must let go of our obsessions, remember the spirit of play, not be bound by words, and listen to our bodies, not our heads.
In other words, to be an idiot.
It is not easy to become an idiot.
In this book, selected from Tadanori Yokoo's representative writings, dialogues, and Twitter feeds over the past 20 years, we present a collection of his works that show how to live freely.
This is a collection of words for living freely, carefully selected from Tadanori Yokoo's writings, dialogues, and Twitter feeds over the past 20 years.
(From the words included in this book)
「Hopefully, I need to become more of an idiot」
「It's best to live a carefree life without reason」
「I think I'm crippled because I live within the limits of what I know」
「I prefer to be passive in life too. There is no need to think about unnecessary things or make unnecessary efforts」
「No purpose, no imagination, no thought. This is the best」
「I don't do anything I don't want to do. I don't do what I don't want to do, I only do what I want to do. I just follow the voice of my body, not my head」
「Don't take freedom away from yourself」
「Follow your own rules, not other people's rules, and you will be sure in the long run」
「It's okay to live stupidly and die stupidly. I think this is what art is all about」
「Laziness is not a vice. It is a virtue」
「Being born, getting sick, growing old, dying, it's all for fun」
「Artists are usually childish. "Artists are usually childlike, naive, pure, innocent, mindless, and curious, but it is a privilege given to all human beings. But that is a privilege given to all human beings"」