ぶるうらんど 横尾忠則幻想小説集 [YB054]

ぶるうらんど 横尾忠則幻想小説集 [YB054]

販売価格: 1,257(税込)

重さ: 200g




商品名:ぶるうらんど 横尾忠則幻想小説集

【出版社】 中公文庫


泉鏡花文学賞受賞「ぶるうらんど」を含む極彩色の幻想小説集。 「ポルト・リガトの館」「パンタナールへの道」「スリナガルの蛇」の三篇も収録。 瀬戸内寂聴さんの解説付き。 生と死のあいだ、此岸と彼岸をただよう永遠の愛。泉鏡花文学賞受賞の表題作に、異国を旅する三つの幻想奇譚をあわせた傑作集。 〈解説〉瀬戸内寂聴

※YB009「単行本 ぶるうらんど」とは商品が異なりますので、  ご注文の際お気を付け下さいませ。

Release Date: August 25

Product ID: YB054

Product Name: Buruurando: Tadanori Yokoo Fantasy Novel Collection

Publisher: Chuko Bunko

Written by Tadanori Yokoo / Bunko / 424 pp.

A collection of fantasy novels in rich colors, including "Buruurando," which won the Izumi Kyoka Literary Award.
It also includes three stories, "The House of Porto Rigato," "The Road to Pantanal," and "The Snake of Srinagar.
Includes commentary by Jakucho Setouchi. An eternal love that walks between life and death, between this shore and the other shore. The title story, which won the Izumi Kyoka Literary Award, is combined with three fantastical tales of travel to foreign lands in this collection of masterpieces. Commentary by Jakucho Setouchi

※This product is different from YB009 "Book Buruurando".
 Please be careful when ordering.