「病気のご利益」 [YB103]

「病気のご利益」 [YB103]

販売価格: 946(税込)

重さ: 147g



著者/横尾 忠則
発行/ポプラ社 (2020/02/10)






Product ID: YB103
Product Name: "Sickness Benefits" (Poplar New Book 187)
Author/Tadanori Yokoo
Publisher/Poplar Publishing (2020/02/10)
Style: New book size, 240 pages

I am a man who has been able to reevaluate my life and my art by encountering illness. Although I am not grateful, I feel that my illness is a gift offered to me by God.

--Yokoo is an artist who has faced various ailments and illnesses, including asthma, hearing loss, broken bones, and "cat-less" allergies, as well as physical and emotional changes, with curiosity, inspiration, and intuition. Illness sometimes became an important theme for his artistic works, and his hospital room sometimes became his studio.
Now 83 years old, the author continues his vigorous creative activities, revealing his brilliant history of illness from childhood to the present and his unique methods of overcoming the illness. A chronology of Tadanori Yokoo's illness is also included!

Living is a difficult thing. In my case, if the relationship between life and art is not solid, both will be in disarray. The only thing that can interrupt the relationship between the two is illness. Both life and art can be thrown out of balance by the intrusion of illness. Therefore, being in good health is of paramount importance, but is it really so? But is this really the case?

I myself am writing this book to release the memories of my illness. I am beginning to think that I can either welcome or banish the next illness, and return to a healthier way of life that follows the natural order, if only a little.
(from the text)

※This book is a re-edited version of "The God of Illness" (Bunshunbunko), with new material added.